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Technology Consulting, Technical Due Diligence and Interim Technology Leadership Services


Scalability and Growth Workshops & Training

During our workshops, your team will gain exposure to AKF tools, models, and approaches that we developed through our decades of experience as CTOs and technology executives at both large organizations and start-ups.  We offer Agile training, scalability design, organizing for innovation, and training for other product growth related topics.  These events are offered periodically to the public, but they can be tailored to your company’s needs and delivered on your campus just to your employees.


How is the workshop structured?

The workshop is delivered in a number of collaborative sessions over the 2-day event.  While a member of the AKF team will lead the discussion in each session, much of the interaction comes from the participants themselves.  We suggest the session size be limited to a maximum of 25 attendees so that each attendee can be an active part of the conversation, share experiences, and ask questions from other executives who have been in your shoes.  You’ll leave the workshop with principles, tools, and examples that you can continuously apply to your platform and organization.

Who should attend the workshop?

Our event is designed for current CTOs, VPs of Engineering, Chief Architects, and other technologist who want to improve their management, leadership, agile processes, or technology skills.  We help companies scale their technology and product platforms.  Although nearly any technical organization would benefit from the lessons shared in the workshop, our sessions will provide the most value to companies that use technology to deliver their core product or service (e.g. SaaS, eCommerce).

What topics are covered in the workshop?

• The CTO Role: A discussion on the diversity of expectations and responsibilities from the 400 companies we have worked with at AKF Partners.
• The Right People & Roles: Ensuring the right talent is placed in positions for success.
• Management & Leadership: The skills of a transformational leader and highly effective manager.
• Conflict & Innovation: A discussion of good and bad conflicts in organizations and how to increase innovation.
• Multidisciplinary Agile Teams: Building innovative teams with diverse experience and skills.
• Team Goals & KPIs: Setting goals, metrics, and KPIs for Agile teams to ensure success.
• The Experiential Chasm: The widening gap between business leaders and technology leaders and how to close it.
• Service Delivery Mindset: The most successful technology organizations are structured with a service oriented mindset and we will discuss how to transform your organization and mindset.
• AKF Risk Model: Our viewpoint of risk and how to manage it successfully in your architecture, people, and processes.
• Highly Scalable Architectures: An in-depth look at creating highly scalable and available architectures
• AKF Scale Cube: Our approach to designing highly scalable architectures.
• Creating Fault Isolation: The importance of isolation for availability and time to market.
• Architecture Principles: An in-depth look at the top architecture principles and how to apply them.
• Processes for a Learning Organization: The most effective processes to put in place to create a successful learning organization.

Quotes from Past Participants

“Imagine taking decades of experience and packing it into two days. Highly recommended for any technical executive, no matter what stage the company is in.”

“I have a much more holistic picture on what it takes to scale an organization and it’s technology, and have more tools to help me do so.”

“It’s a must for anyone trying to scale their platform. The level of people, both presenters and participants, was first rate.”

“Great session, we enjoyed the discussions with the other companies, and some of the ideas are already having an impact on our processes and planning.”

“This is a great training and experience. We’ve been learning, networking and having a lot of fun.”

“Best overall CTO conference I’ve been to! I enjoyed the open dialog and conversations throughout the event.”

“AKF’s positive obsession with the need for technology organizations to add value by effectively scaling human talent and technical components should be required training for technology leaders.”

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